Menene Ma’anar Abbreviation a turanci?
What is abbreviation?
Abbreviation is a shortened form of word or phrase and abbreviation is formed by using capital letter.
Menene abbreviation?
Abbreviation shine takaita kalma ko kuma rukunin wasu kalmomi masu tsawo, kuma yana ginuwa ne ta hanyar amfani da manyan baqi.
W.A.E.C = West African Examination Council
N.Y.S.C = National Youth Service Corps
C.N.N = Cable Network News
There are two types of abbreviation
Abbreviation ya rabu gida biyu ne
Gasu kamar haks:
1. Acronym
2. Initialism
What is acronym?
Acronym is a type of abbreviation that is pronounced as a word.
Acronym wani kashi ne daga cikin kaso abbreviation da ake furtashi kamar kalma.
They are formed by using the first letters in the word of a phrase or first parts of a phrase.
Ana ginasu ne ta hanyar amfani da harafin farko na rukunin kalmomin ko bangaren farko na rukunin farko.
W.H.O = World Health Organization.
E.C.O.W.A.S = Economic Community Of West African States.
N.A.N = News Agency of Nigeria.
F.E.S.T.A.C = Festival of Art and Culture.
W.A.E.C = West African Examination Council.
U.N.E.S.C.O = United Nations Educational Scientific and Culture Organization.
A.L.G.O.N = Association of Local Government Of Nigeria.
F.I.F.A = Federation of International Football Association.
N.A.F.D.A.C = National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control.
N.E.C.O = National Examination Council.
M.A.N = Manufacturers Association of Nigeria.
S.O.N = Standard Organization of Nigeria.
U.N.I.C.E.F = United Nations Development Programme.
U.N = United Nations.
B.L.O.F.A = Basic Level Of Functionality and Awareness.
R.A.D.A.R = Radio Detection And Ranging.
N.A.S.A = National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
S.A.D = Seasonal Affective Disorder.
What is initialism?
Initialism is a type of abbreviation that pronounced by using each letter one at a time.
Initialism wani kaso ne na abbreviation da ake furtashi ta hanyar yin amfani da kowani harafi.
U. T. M. E = United Tertiary Matriculation Examination.
F.R.C.N = Federal Radio Corporation of Nigeria.
N. P. F = Nigeria Police Force.
S.S.S = State Security Service.
N.N.P.C = Nigeria National Petroleum Corporation.
N.T.A = Nigeria Television Authority.
P.H.C.N = Power Holding Company Of Nigeria.
G.S.M = Global System for Mobile communication.
I.C.P.C = Independenr Corrupt. Practices other related offences Communication.
N.Y.S.C = National Youth Service Corps.
N.D.D.C = Niger Delta Development Commission.
C.N.N = Cable Networks News.
E.F.C.C = Economic and Financial Crimes Commission.
B.B.C = British Broadcasting Corporation.
A.P.C = All Progressive Congress.
P.D.P = Peoples Democratic Party.
C.P.C = Congress for Progressive Change
A.N.P.P = All Nigerian Peoples Party.
A.C.N = Action Congress of Nigeria.
N.P.N = Nigeria Port Authority.
C.D.H.R = Campaign for Democracy and Human Right.
I.D.C.C = Industrial Development Co-ordination Committee.
U.N.D.P = United Nations Development Programme.
B.T.W = By The Way.
P.B.U.H = Peace Be Upon Him
B.F.F = Best Friend Forever.
T.V = Tele-Vision.
P.M = Post Meridiem.
A.M = Ante Meridiem.
A.T.M = Authomatic Teller Machine.
B.C = Before Christ.
W.W.W = World Wide Web.
D.R = Doctor.
Da fatan an fahimci wannan darasin namu na yau,
Allah ya bamu ikon fahimta.
Gamai tambaya yana iya yin tambayarsa ta hanyar yi mana comment a qasan wannan posting din.