Mukoyi karatun turanci, Menene Ma’anar spelling skills a hausa?

Meaning of spelling skills in hausa
Shimfida akan yanda ake koyon rubutu
What is spelling skills?
Spelling is the ability to arrange letters in the correct order to make words that are communally understood. Spelling is considered one aspect of learners which can help them to be perfect on reading, writing, spelling and pronunciation.
Menene spelling skills?
Spelling skills yana koyadda yanda ake koyon jera haruffofi a gina kalma yadda tadace kuma dai-dai. Domin a samu cikakken fahimtan me aka rubuta.
Components of
spelling skills
Ababen abinda spelling skills ya kunsa sune:-
Kuma zamuyi magana akansu daya bayan daya insha allahu.
1. Letters (alphabets) = Haruffofi
2) One (1) letters word to above (100) and the shortest word and longest word.
– Kalmomi masu harafi daya har zuwa sama (100)
3) Number in a word one to trillion. = yadda ake rubuta kirga (wato yadda mutun zai rubuta daya a letters din A to Z) har zuwa sama.
4) Days of the weeks and months of the year. = Rana kun sati da kuma watannin shekara.
5) Silent letters (A to Z) = Haruffofin da ba’a fadansu a kalma (A izuwa Z)
6) Tips of how to read a word = Alamomin da idan mutun yaga haruffofi sunzo a jere ga yanda zai karanta ko rubutawa idan anfada.
7) Words with no vowel (s) sound = kalmomi wadanda basuda wasali wato (consonants ne kawai a kalma) a rubuce ba WASALI amman a baki akwai su.
8) consonants cluster = jerin gwanon bakake.
What a alphabet?
An alphabet is a letter (s) of any language uses when writing a word especially when they are arranged in order.
A letter is a sets of letter in a language.
Menene Harafi?
Harafi shine duk wani Abu dazai nuna yadda za’ayi RUBUTU acikin yare (language) kuma ajera haruffofin yadda yakamata domin yabada ma’ana.
Letters of English are twenty six (26)
And alphabets or letters divided into two (2) main group.
An raba haruffofin turanci (26) gida biyu (2) Wasilla (vowels) da kuma Bakake (consonants)
1) Vowels alphabet of English and their small letters are five (5) cardinally.
Aa, Ee, Ii, Oo, Uu,
2) The twenty-one (21) consonants alphabet of English and their small letters are:-
All these alphabets are agreed with their arrangement both British and American but different in pronouncing only two (2) Alphabets (R and Z)
Dukkanni haruffofin an yarda dadu da kuma tsarinsu wato jerantasu tsakani Amerika da England. Amman ansamu bambanci a waje biyu na furicin furta (R and Z)
British sounds R /ar/ Z /zed/
American sounds R // /zi:/
Please check the dictionary to find the actual different pronunciation of (R and Z).
Find out the examples of each alphabet by yourself.
We meet in our next class so that to continue with examples of ONE (1) letter word to above.