Menene Possessive Adjective a cikin karatun turanci?

Hello, Ladies and Gentlemen, good evening to you all.
Maza da mata duk barkan ku da wuni.
I know you all know where we stopped in our last lesson. But for those who have forgotten, they need to be reminded.
If you could remember, we started our lesson on adjectives.
Nasan duk kunsan inda muka tsaya a darasin mu na baya. Amma ga waɗanda suka manta, suna bukatar a tuna musu.
Idan zaku iya tunawa, mun fara darasin namu ne akan kalmar siffofi.
So without any delay, let us continue.
Don haka batare da jinkiri ba, bari mucigaba.
Possessive adjectives are the words that show to whom something belong to.
Kalmar siffofin mallaka sune kalmomin da suke nuna abun nawanene.
We use the words-
“My” for first person singular.
“Our” for first person plural
“Your” for second person singular
“Your” for second person plural
” His, her, it’s” for third person singular.
“Thier” for third person plural.
Muna amfani da kalmomin-
“Nawa” mutun ɗaya na farko.
“Namu” kashina ɗaya mallakar mutane masu yawa.
“Naka /Naki / ” kashi na biyu mallakar mutum ɗaya.
“Naku” kashi na biyu mallakar mutane masu dayawa.
“Nashi, Nata,” kashi na uku mallakar mutum ɗaya.
(Amma abinda ba mutum ba shima yana ƙarƙashin wannan)
“Nasu” kashi na uku mallakar mutune dayawa.
Here is an example-
Ga misali-
First person singular-
This is my cap.
Wannan hula tace.
First person plural-
This is our house.
Wannan gidan mune.
Second person singular.
This is your phone.
Wannan wayar ka ce.
Wannan wayar ki ce
Second person plural.
This is your car.
Wannan motar ka ce.
Third person singular.
This is his bag.
Wannan jakar sa ce.
This is her earrings.
Wannan ƴan kunnen ta ne.
This is it’s eggs.
Wannan ƙwayayen ta ne.
Third person plural.
This is their farm.
Wannan gonar su ce.
Okey, let me stop here. May be I will continue later today in the night.
But before then, let me use this opportunity to extend my special greetings to all of you.
I am wishing you all the best, long life and prosperity.
Thank you.
To bari na tsaya anan. Amma ƙila na ɗora yau da dare,, amma kafin nan, bari nayi amfani da wannan damar don na isar da gaisuwa ta musamman zuwa gareku duka. Da kuma fatan alkhairi tare yawan rai da ƙaruwar arziki.