
How to remember vocabulary fast?

How to remember vocabulary fast?

The best and the most significant way to remember vocabulary is keep an organised vocabulary notebook. Look at the words again after 24 hours, after one week and after one month. Read, read, read. The more times you ‘see’ a word the more easily you will remember it. Use the new words. You need to use a new word about ten times before you remember it! Do word puzzles and games like crosswords, anagrams and wordsearches. Make word cards and take them with you. Read them on the bus or when you are waiting for your friends. Learn words with a friend. It can be more fun and easier to learn with someone else. Learn how to use a dictionary.

What information is next to a word in the dictionary? Do you know the different types of dictionary? Learn a few words but not too many. About eight new words a day is a good number.


I, Abdulmaleek Abubakar, am the founder and writer of Karatunturanci.com.ng. I have always been intrigued by the English language. Since the time when I feared it and could not speak without making a ton of mistakes to the time when most people think I'm a native English speaker and has mind-blowing knowledge of the language, my love for the English language has been intact. I come from a crowd street of Zaria, Nigeria. Except teaching and exploring the English language, I love cooking, writing poems, and watching and practising. Thank you for giving it a read!

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